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This is a way to run AnyWave in non GUI mode to process files.


What can AnyWave do in a command line?

Convert Files to BIDS

AnyWave is used by some third party softwares to process eeg/ieeg/meg files and convert them to BIDS format.
Here is the complete list of options to use to do so:
--toBIDS : this option allows to convert a file to BIDS. If specified, the following options must also be set:
--bids_modality <modality> : sets the file modality (eeg, ieeg or meg).
--bids_sub  : sets the bids subject
--bids_task <task>  : sets the bids task

Other optional options:
--bids_ses <session>  : sets the session in the subject directory.
--bids_run <run>  : defines the run number.
--bids_acq <acq>  : defines the acquisition option.
--bids_proc <proc>  : defines the processing applied.
--bids_output <sidecars|full> : sidecars will only generates .json sidecars for the file. full will also convert the file format en rename if to be BIDS compliant.

                               default is full.