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Automatic EEG to SEEG montage

As almost EEG recording systems save data from SEEG electrodes as EEG channels, some operations must be applied in AnyWave to correctly handle those data as SEEG.

This video tutorial shows how to transform EEG channels into SEEG and how to set up a bipolar montage for them.
The video shows how to do it automatically, assuming that ALL the channels recorded are in fact SEEG.
But, sometimes, you may deal with data files containing SEEG recordings AND EEG recordings (and even MEG channels).
In this case, you have to change the channels types manually, in the Montage Interface.
This is easily done by selecting the channels in the left list (As Recorded Channels) and use the context menu to change their types.
After that, you must also ask for a bipolar montage for SEEG channels by clicking on the corresponding button.

Manually create a SEEG Montage