ADES stands for AnyWave DEScriptive format.
ADES format is composed of at least two files but a third file can be used for markers.
The most important file is the header file for which extension is .ades
The header file (.ades)
This is a text file using a very simple syntax. Let's have a look:
#ADES header file
samplingRate = 1000
numberOfSamples = 4000
A1 = EEG
A2 = EEG
A3 = EEG
Line 1 begins with # which is the starting character for comments. However the first list is mandatory and defines the header file as ADES header.</br>
The next line defines the sampling rate of the data. This parameter is mandatory and must be expressed in Hertz.
Third line defines the total number of samples per channel in the data file.
The following lines describe the channels present in the data file. In our example, there are 3 channels, A1, A2, A3.
The channels are defined to be EEG channels but could be defined as SEEG, MEG, EMG, ECG, or even Trigger.
It is also possible to omit the channel's type. AnyWave will consider channels as EEG by default in that case.
That's all for the header file, a very simple syntax.
The data file (.dat)
Data are stored in a binary file which name is exactly the same than the header file except the extension: .dat
Samples are stored as float, 32bits little endian. The channels are multiplexed.
The marker file (.mrk)
It is possible to have a third optional file describing markers in the data. This file is an AnyWave marker file. The name must be the same than the header file but with extension .mrk
This is a text file with a simple format: