AnyWave:Plugin Batch

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One of the features of AnyWave is to run some processing from the command line.
This is called batch processing, allowing to process many files in different locations using a script file run by the OS.

Make my plugin runnable in command line

If you want AnyWave to handle your plugin using the command line, you must do as follow:


edit the desc.txt:

name = MyPlugin
description = do something in MATLAB
category = Process:Test:MyPlugin
flags = CanRunFromCommandLine

Note: we've added a line with the flags keyword. This keyword will inform AnyWave of the capabilities of your plugin.
You may combine flags using the : (the colon character). Example:
flags = CanRunFromCommandLine:NoDataRequired
This indicates that the plugin can be called from the command line but also indicates that no data file is required. (The plugin will not run on a data file.)

edit MATLAB code

Modify the main.m file:

function main(varargin)
global args;  %% IMPORTANT: this variable will hold the arguments set by the user on the command line. 
if isdeployed  % this is the code to use if you plan to Compile your plugin to distribute it.
% STANDALONE AnyWave Plugin code
   global host;   
   global port;
   global pid;
   if (nargin < 3) % basic argument checking
       error('missing arguments.');
  host = varargin{1};
  port = str2num(varargin{2});
  pid = str2num(varargin{3});
  if (nargin > 3)
    args = varargin{4};
  assignin('base', 'host',  host);
  assignin('base', 'port', port);
  assignin('base', 'pid', pid);
  assignin('base', 'args', args);
% end of STANDALONE AnyWave Plugin code
% we assume here that the code will always run in batch mode.
% To check if the plugin was called in batch mode, just check if args variable is empty or not.
if isempty(args)
   error('this plugin will only run in batch mode');
% code your stuff here
% use args to get the arguments:
% args is a structure containing fields named upon the arguments set by the command line.
% one of the common argument set by AnyWave is input_file which contains the path to the data file to process.
% so to get the file use :  file = args.input_file;
