From WikiMEG
Sometimes odd characters or characters with accents prevent MATLAB from opening a file, even if you copy the filename directly from Windows explorer: "04%10%08@1443"
We can use a short function to retrieve a list of all files in a certain folder:
function contents = dir2(path, filter, ignore_dot) % % dir2 list contents on path recursively, using, so % weird characters are converted correctly to MATLAB usuable % path names. % % filter - string, expression used to filter file names % ignore_dot - ignore files and folders beginning with . % % mw 10 11 2014 - creation if nargin < 2, filter = '.*'; end if nargin < 3, ignore_dot = 1; end f =; fs = f.listFiles(); contents = {}; for i=1:length(fs) fname = fs(i).getName().toCharArray()'; abspath = fs(i).getCanonicalPath().toCharArray()'; if ignore_dot && fname(1) == '.' continue end if fs(i).isDirectory() subcontents = dir2(abspath, filter, ignore_dot); contents = {contents{:} subcontents{:}}; end match = regexp(fname, filter, 'ONCE'); if match contents = {contents{:} abspath}; end end
The resulting list of files can be filtered with a regular expression, so that you have exactly the files you're looking for:
>> path = 'Y:\MEG\DATA\Protocoles_epilepsie\epil\epil_003\cont3mtr'; >> re = 'c,rf.*Hz$'; >> fs = dir2(path, re);
Here, the regex says find filenames starting with "c,rf", then any character, then "Hz" then end of line "$". We can check the results:
>> for i=1:length(fs), fprintf('%s\n', fs{i}); end Y:\MEG\DATA\Protocoles_epilepsie\epil\epil_003\cont3mtr\03%11%08@1035\1\c,rfhp1.0Hz Y:\MEG\DATA\Protocoles_epilepsie\epil\epil_003\cont3mtr\03%11%08@1035\2\c,rfhp1.0Hz Y:\MEG\DATA\Protocoles_epilepsie\epil\epil_003\cont3mtr\03%11%08@1035\3\c,rfhp1.0Hz Y:\MEG\DATA\Protocoles_epilepsie\epil\epil_003\cont3mtr\03%11%08@1035\4\c,rfhp1.0Hz Y:\MEG\DATA\Protocoles_epilepsie\epil\epil_003\cont3mtr\03%11%08@1035\5\c,rfhp1.0Hz