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% .plugin_dir - Path to the current plugin.
% .plugin_dir - Path to the current plugin.
% .ica_file -  Path to the current loaded ICA file (empty if no ica file loaded).
% .ica_file -  Path to the current loaded ICA file (empty if no ica file loaded).
% .rejected_ics - Labels of all ICA channels rejected by the user. (empty is no ICA channels is loaded or set as rejected.)
% .markers - Array of structs containing the markers set as input for the plugin.
% .markers - Array of structs containing the markers set as input for the plugin.
%  Each marker is a struct containing:
%  Each marker is a struct containing:

Revision as of 12:00, 18 March 2019

The table below shows a summary of all MATLAB functions available when writing a MATLAB Scripted plug-in:

Note: All AnyWave MATLAB functions start with 'aw_' to avoid confusions with other MATLAB functions.


This function is depecrated. Please use aw_getpluginio() instead.

function [ infos ] = aw_getplugininfo()
%aw_getplugininfo returns information about the input set for the plugin.
%   infos = aw_getplugininfo();
%   returns a structure with the following fields:
%   .file
%       Name of the file open in AnyWave.
%   .labels
%       labels of channels set as input for the plugin.
%   .refs
%       references of channels: Empty strings for monopolar channels.
%   .max_sr
%       maximum sampling rate in Hz.
%   .total_duration
%       the total duration in seconds of the data.
%   .temp_dir
%       the path to a temporary directory created by AnyWave for the
%       plugin.
%   .rejected_ics 
%      labels of rejected independent components (ICA). Empty if no ICA computation is involved.


This function will return usefull settings about the plugin.

io = aw_getpluginio();
% the function returns a structure containing: 
% .file - Full path to the the data file open in AnyWave.
% .data_dir - The directory where the data file is.
% .labels - Cell array containing the labels of all channels set as input for the plugin.
% .refs - Cell array containing the reference labels of all channels (can be empty if monopolar montage).
% .types - Cell array containing the types of the corresponding labels (strings).
% .max_sr - Maximum sampling rate of the data in Hz.
% .total_duration - Total duration in seconds of the data file.
% .temp_dir - Path to the temporary directory created by AnyWave.
% .plugin_dir - Path to the current plugin.
% .ica_file -  Path to the current loaded ICA file (empty if no ica file loaded).
% .rejected_ics - Labels of all ICA channels rejected by the user. (empty is no ICA channels is loaded or set as rejected.)
% .markers - Array of structs containing the markers set as input for the plugin.
%   Each marker is a struct containing:
%   .label - The label of the marker.
%   .position - The position in seconds of the marker.
%   .duration - The marker duration (0 if single marker).
%   .value - The value associated to the marker (-1 if no value).
%   .chunk - Vector containing the position and duration of the marker (position and duration vectorized).
% Example: get all the chunks into one vector.
% chunks = [ io.markers(:).chunk];
% Get the chunks into a vector for markers labels 'Event1':
% chunks = [ io.markers(find(cellfun(@(x)isequal(x, 'Event1'), {markers.label} ))).chunk];
% NOTE: chunks will be usefull when used with the new aw_getdataex function. See below.


This function is deprecated. Consider using aw_getdatex() instead (Required MATLAB 2016a and AnyWave September2018).

function [ channels ] = aw_getdata(cfg )
%aw_getdata request data from AnyWave
%   channels = aw_getdata(cfg) 
%   returns channels' data according to the settings defined in cfg structure.
%   cfg may contain the following fields: 
%   cfg.file = 'file.eeg';
%       Specify the data file to use. (optional)
%   cfg.start = 10.;
%       starting position in seconds of requested data.
%       if this field is not specified, AnyWave will return data starting
%       at position 0s.
%   cfg.duration = 20.;
%       duration of requested data in seconds.
%       if this field is not specified, AnyWave will return ALL the
%       available data.
%   Specifying the electrodes labels:
%   cfg.labels = {'A1', 'A2'};
%       cell array of strings to identify the required channel labels.
%       if no labels are specified, AnyWave will return the current selected
%       channels set as input for the plugin.
%       Optional field.
%   NOTE: when specifying labels, AnyWave will get the data from those channels without considering the current Montage.
%         If some channels are marked as bad, they won't be returned.
%   cfg.types = {'EEG'};
%       cell array of strings to specify the types of channels we want.
%       Optional field.
%   NOTE: when specifying types, AnyWave will get the data from the corresponding channel in the file without considering the current montage.
%         If some channels are marked as bad, they won't be returned.
%   NOTE: if labels and types are used, then the channel selection will be made with respect with these two constraints.
%   For example, if the labels cell array contains the A1 label, and the types cell array contains the EEG type, then
%   AnyWave will return the A1 EEG channel if it exists or nothing. If A1 is MEG or SEEG then nothing will be returned.
%   cfg.filtering = 'no';
%       specifies that we don't want AnyWave to filter the data.
%   cfg.filtering = 'yes';
%       specifies that we want data to be filtered.
%   Note:
%       if the filtering field is not specified, the data will be filtered by
%       AnyWave using the current filtering options.
%   cfg.eeg_lp = 10.;  requires filtering = 'yes'.
%       specifies that we want EEG data with low pass filter of 10Hz.
%   cfg.eeg_hp = 1.;  requires filtering = 'yes'.
%       specifies that we want EEG data with high pass filter of 1Hz.
%   cfg.meg_lp = 10.;  requires filtering = 'yes'.
%       specifies that we want MEG data with low pass filter of 10Hz.
%   cfg.meg_hp = 1.;  requires filtering = 'yes'.
%       specifies that we want MEG data with high pass filter of 1Hz.
%   cfg.decimate = 8;
%       specifies that we only take 1 sample of data every 8 samples.
%   channels is an array of strucrures with the following fields:
%   .name; 
%       a string representing the channel's label.
%   .ref;
%       a string representing the reference channel. Can be empty.
%   .data;
%       a data vector containing the samples.
%   .sr;
%       the sampling rate of data. 
%   .hpf;  
%       the High Pass filter set.
%   .lpf;
%       the Low Pass filter set.


function main
% request 10 seconds of data starting at 2.5s
cfg = [];
cfg.start = 2.5;
cfg.duration = 10;
channels = aw_getdata(cfg);
% request raw data (with no filtering)
cfg = [];
cfg.start = 2.5;
cfg.duration = 10;
cfg.filtering = 'no';
channels = aw_getdata(cfg);
% request data with low pass filter of 25Hz on EEG channels
cfg = [];
cfg.start = 2.5;
cfg.duration = 10;
cfg.filtering = 'yes';
cfg.eeg_lp = 25;
channels = aw_getdata(cfg);
%  request data for all EEG channels, no filtering specified
cfg = [];
cfg.start = 0;
cfg.duration = 10; % 10 seconds of data
cfg.types = { 'EEG' };
channels = aw_getdata(cfg);


This function requires MATLAB 2016a and AnyWave Sep. 2018.
This is a more advanced function then aw_getdata, hence its name.

cfg.chunks = [0 20 5 60]; % vector of positions and durations for chunks of data we want to ask to AnyWave
% here there are two chunks of data: the first on starts at zero second and last for 20s. The second on starts at 5s and last for 60s.
% Note that chunks is MANDATORY
% IMPORTANT: if several chunks are specified, the data will be merged and delivered concatenated.
channels = aw_getdataex(cfg);
% Ask for data by specifying the names of the channels:
cfg.channel_labels = { 'A1', 'A3' };  % used with chunks will get data but only for the two specified channels.
% if A1 or A2 does not exist in the data, the result of the function is an empty variable.
% Ask for data by specifyng type of channels:
cfg.channel_types = {'EEG', 'ECG'}; % here we will get the data from EEG and ECG channels only.
% Mix labels and types: if labels AND types are used then AnyWave will try to satisfy both constraints.
% Choose the data source picking:
cfg.pick_from = 'data_file'; % this option will tell AnyWave to get data from the data file without using the current input channels for the plugin neither the current Montage.
cfg.pick_from = 'montage'; % this will tell AnyWave to get data channels from the current montage.
% NOTE: if pick_from is not specified, AnyWave will get data for channels set as input by default for the plugin.
% which by default are the channels selected by the user before launching the plugin (depending on input flags).
% Some plugins may also define input flags to specify what kind of channels are expected as input.
cfg.load_file = '/home/user/data/my_file.eeg'; % this will canceled any pick_from options and will tell AnyWave to open the specified file and get the data from it. 
% NOTE: no montage will be applied, it's up to the user to know what channels are expected in the file.
% Filter the data (optional)
cfg.filters.eeg = [1 40]; % this will specify that we want EEG data filtered with a high pass at 1Hz and a low pass at 40Hz.
% we can also specify a notch filter :
cfg.filters.eeg = [ 1 40 50]; % notch at 50Hz.
% at least one value is required
cfg.filters.eeg = [1]; % only 1Hz high pass. which is equivalent to cfg.eeg.filters = [1 0];
% NOTE: use cfg.filters.<type of channel> to filter as your convenience.
cfg.filters.raw_data = true; % this option cancelled all other filters options, data will be delivered raw. (no filters applied).
% Downsampling data
cfg.filters.downsampling_rate = 4; % indicates we want data with a sampling_rate divided by 4.
% so data recorded at 1024Hz will come at 256Hz.


function aw_addmarkers(markers)
%aw_addmarkers add new markers to AnyWave
%   aw_addmarkers(markers) 
%   markers is an array of structs. Each element is a marker to be added.
% See also AwMarker
function [ marker ] = AwMarker( label, position, duration, value, targets)
% defines the structure for a marker
%   marker.label
%       the label for the marker.
%   marker.position
%       the position in seconds from the beginning of data.
%   marker.duration
%       the duration in seconds. Can be 0 if the marker is just a position
%       in time.
%   marker.value
%       the value associated to the marker. -1 indicates that no value is
%       set.
%   marker.targets
%       a cell array containing the targeted channels. Empty if the marker
%       is global.
marker.label = label;                 
marker.position = position;
marker.duration = duration;           
marker.value = value;
marker.targets = targets;             


function main
% add one marker labeled spike at position 3s.
marker.label = 'spike';
marker.position = 3;
% send the marker to AnyWave
% add two markers with value and targeted channels
markers(1).label = 'spike';
markers(1).position = 3;
markers(1).value = 2;
markers(1).targets = {'A2'};  % this marker is targeting the channel named A2
markers(2).label = 'selection';
markers(2).position = 15;
markers(2).duration = 1.5; % this marker is a selection of 1.5s starting at position 15s.
% no targets are specified, the marker is GLOBAL
% send the markers to AnyWave


function [ markers ] = aw_getmarkers( cfg )
%aw_getmarkers retrieves markers from AnyWave
%   markers = aw_getmarkers(cfg) 
%   markers = aw_getmarkers()
%   returns markers which match the settings defined in cfg structure or
%   all available markers if no cfg structure is passed as paramater.
%   cfg may contain the following fields: 
%   cfg.values = [1 10 12];
%       get markers depending on their value. Several values can be
%       specified.
%   cfg.labels = {'Spike1', 'Spike2'};
%       get markers depending on their labels.
%   cfg.channels = {'A1', 'A2'};
%       get markers which target specific channels.
% Note: if a marker matches several conditions (values, labels or channels) only one
% instance of the marker is returned.
%   markers is an array of strucrures with the following fields:
%   .label 
%       a string representing the marker's label.
%   .position
%       the position in seconds from beginning of data.
%   .duration
%       duration in seconds. Can be zero if the marker is just a time position.
%   .value
%       a numerical value associated with the marker. -1 indicates that no value is set. 
%   .channels  
%       a cell array of channel labels. Can be empty if the marker is
%       global to all channels.


function main()
% get all the markers currently available in AnyWave
markers = aw_getmarkers();
% get markers labeled spike
cfg.labels = {'spike'};
spikes = aw_getmarkers(cfg);
% get markers with specified values
cfg.values = [2 3 4];
markers = aw_getmarkers(cfg);
% mixing values and labels conditions
cfg.labels = {'spike', 'selection'};
cfg.values = [2 10];
% Note that the returned markers are markers which satisfied one of the conditions (it's a logical OR test).
% That means you can get a marker labeled spike but with a value that is not 2 or 10;
% It's up to you to parse the array of structures afterward.
markers = aw_getmarkers(cfg);
markers can be an empty matrix if no markers are returned by AnyWave


This function sends a text message to AnyWave. The message will appear in the Processes console in AnyWave and also in the plugin's log.


cfg = [];
cfg.start = 0;
cfg.duration = -1;
channels = aw_getdata(cfg); % get all data
for (i=1:numel(channels)
   AwSendMessage(sprintf('Processing channel %d', i));
   % do something


This function will return true or false depending on the action of the user about the currently running plug-in.

This function is usefull when processing heavy and long calculations. If the user want to cancel the current processing, it may be suitable to cancel the current calculation running in MATLAB as well.


cfg = [];
cfg.start = 0;
cfg.duration = -1;
channels = aw_getdata(cfg); % get all data
for (i=1:numel(channels)
    if (~AwProcessIsTerminated())
         % do some heavy calculation on a data contained in channel