# My plugin CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.8) PROJECT(MyPlugin) # Build in release mode SET(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release") # Flags for gcc compiler and macro definitions ADD_DEFINITIONS("-fPIC -O3") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE} -DNDEBUG") # Check for SDK SET(SDK_FOUND 0) IF( "$ENV{AWSDK}" STREQUAL "" ) MESSAGE(STATUS "AWSDK environment variable not set." ) MESSAGE(STATUS "On Linux or Mac OS X this can be done in your user .bashrc file by appending the corresponding line, e.g:" ) MESSAGE(STATUS "export AWSDK=/home/user/dev/SDK" ) RETURN() ELSE() SET(SDK_FOUND 1) SET(SDK_ROOT $ENV{AWSDK}) MESSAGE(STATUS "AWSDK found: ${SDK_ROOT}") ENDIF() # Add the current folder as include directroy SET(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) # Link using SDK libraries LINK_DIRECTORIES(${SDK_ROOT}/lib) # Include SDK headers INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${SDK_ROOT}/include) # Include current source dir as header dir INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_DIR}) # Find Qt FIND_PACKAGE(Qt4 REQUIRED) INCLUDE(${QT_USE_FILE}) ADD_DEFINITIONS(${QT_DEFINITIONS}) # Add some definitions to point out that the project must build a Qt plugin ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DQT_PLUGIN) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DQT_SHARED) # Define the output directory depending on platform IF (APPLE) SET(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${SDK_ROOT}/bin/Anywave_Plugins) ELSE() SET(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${SDK_ROOT}/bin/Plugins) ENDIF() # Plug-in specific part begins here # Add source files for your project here: # For example: # SET(SRCS myplugin.cpp # mylib.cpp) # Add headers that need to be parse for Qt Signal and Slots mechanism. # Those files need to be parse by the MOC tool of Qt to correctly compile signals and slots # Example: # SET(MOCS myplugin.h) # Note that header files which are not describing Qt Objects won't be parse by the MOC tool. # Depending on the plug-in type, your project may contain User Interfaces designed with the Qt Designer tool. # To add UI files to your project, simply define a variable that will contain all the .ui files of your project. # Example: # SET(UIS myplugin.ui) # Depending on the plug-in, your project may contain a Qt Resource file (.qrc) # If so, add the file into a variable like this: # QT4_ADD_RESOURCES(MyPlugin_QRC myplugin.qrc) # Now call the MOC tool for header files QT4_WRAP_CPP(MyPlugin_MOCS ${MOCS}) # If you have ui files, call the iuc tool: # QT4_WRAP_UI(MyPlugin_UIS ${UIS}) # If your plug-in is using external libraries, you may define them here: # Example of a plugin using the Qwt library # SET(QWT_INCLUDE /home/dev/qwt/include) # SET(QWT_LIB /home/dev/qwt/lib) # INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${QWT_INCLUDE}) # LINK_DIRECTORIES(${QWT_LIB}) # define the library to build (the Qt Plugin) ADD_LIBRARY(MyPlugin SHARED ${SRCS} ${MyPlugin_MOCS} ${MyPlugin_UIS} ${MyPlugin_QRC}) # remove ${MyPlugin_UIS} ${MyPlugin_QRC} if your project does not contain QRC or UI files # Target TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(MyPlugin AwCoreLib ${QT_LIBRARIES}) # This will tell cmake to link the plugin using AwCoreLib, which is the core library of AnyWave, and the Qt Libraries. # Depending on your plug-in, extras libraries should be added. # For example, if your plug-in is using graphics objects defined in the SDK, you must add AwGraphicsLib as a library. # If the plug-in is a reader or a writer plug-in, you must add AwReadWriteLib # If the plug-in is a signal processing plug-in, you must add AwProcessLib # If your plugin must link with Qwt then the line should be: #TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(MyPlugin AwCoreLib qwt ${QT_LIBRARIES})